Friday, May 19, 2006

The race has started again.

Well it's that time again. A glorious time. A nervous time. A time to put my learned skills to the test and see if people can see the talent. It's time to audition for another show. Auditions for Oklahoma are this Sunday and I'm pretty excited. I'm actually going to be availabe to do this show. I'll have plenty of time. My work schedule is just right and I have nothing else to stand in the way. Acting is what I want to get paid for afterall. This also gives me a chance to use some of the things I've learned this past semester at school. Well... If I get cast in a lead part. I really want a lead. It seems leads at this particular theatre company tend to escape me. Not this time.... I will conquer!!!

I just found out the little hick town I went to highschool in is getting to be pretty cool. While I was away at school the town grew a bunch and a lot of new businesses popped up. There is quite a few, but the most important one is the Port City Java. Now normally I would prefer a locally owned coffee shop or maybe even a Starbucks, but in a town where the locals used to think a good cup of joe (poor joe) came from the Waffle House, this is a big upgrade. I'm pretty happy about it. Guess what else makes me happy......Technology. The audition I'm going to participate in requires me to have a song ready to sing. It went down like this (big breath) I wanted to know when the auditions were, I looked it up in my e-mail, saw it was this weekend, saw I have to have a song prepared, opened my i tunes, looked up some Oklahoma songs, downloaded a couple, and burned them to a cd...(exhale). Just think about that for a second. It really is mind boggling that I could do all that in less than five minutes. (does it hurt to have your mind boggled?) I mean sure technology has its faults like robots or the ability to spread porn all over the place for instance, but for the most part technology is pretty good. Thank you Mr. T. Echnology.

Where do I find myself now? Once again I'm waiting for a friend of mine that apparently has no "normal" concept of how time works. My friend likes to double, triple, and sometimes quadruple book time slots in his day. This results in one time commitment being kept and the others being a bit put off. It is kind of like playing the lottery.

Well as my mentor J.T. Willwright once said, "Time is something to be kept, unless a gopher drinks the gravy, then you have one tasty gopher and people will understand" Don't question it just absorb it. Till next time. Peace.


At 7:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're welcome, Mr. Jackson. I always appreiciate it when people see me for the great entity I am. To think, some people believe that The fact that you could get your music in five minutes is far outshined by a leaf alling from a tree. Or that my endless conveniences are depriving humans of real existance and I am probably responsible for the breakdown of human society. Thank you for your support!


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