Friday, March 31, 2006

I control the letters in your head.

This is the seat that I sit in when I want to control the world. Last week when you missed that green light, that was me! Did you lose your job or maybe your girlfriend dumped you? ME!!! All the wars of the world and the tragedy that happens in every day, boring, meanial lives all over the PLANET!!! ME!!!! AHAHHHHAHHHH! (cough) Mhmmm. Sorry I just kinda got on a powertrip. It is a comfortable chair though. I enjoy sitting in it. Moving on.

I find psychology to be very boring. Oh and creepy. All the theories in psychology are just annoying. Plus what's with all the theories? Doesn't anyone know anything in the field of psychology. I just think that psychologist' should find something better to do than examine why a monkey touches itself rather than eat a banana when it is starving to death. That's the creepy part. Their coats, their gloves, their terrible mandibles and neat hair, the unnerving fact that you can't make them angry. Always so inhumanely cold and calm. If you take out the part about the mandibles then that stuff is mostly true. Jenga!

I have a case of senioritis. The problem is that I am about 3-4 years away from graduating or gargoyling! I'd rather graduate that gargoyle. Just my preference. I'm not saying anything about any gargoyles that are reading this right now. Dang stop being so testy..... freakin gargoyles are sensitive. You would think they would be calloused being made of stone and all. Whatever.

Well in the great words of J.T. Willwright, " The fish eats the morning up like a gargantuan beetle plays the fiddle" Take it for what it's worth and till next time. See ya. I'm watching you.


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