Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Blah Blah Blahbitty Blah!

Well I said I would'nt do it ever again and now through necessity I am forced to go back on my word. I'm working at Fatz Cafe! I did'nt swear off Fatz in particular I just swore off all restuarants like it. Ex:Outback, Ruby Tuesday, Applebees, etc. I hate working for these chains. I don't hate for no reason either. My hate is justified. These people don't hire, they fish. The dangle the bait of a good job with a caring company in front of you and against your better judgment you take the bait. That's when they pull you into the boat bang you against the floor and later rip out your guts. Below are some of the lies they tell to snare you.

1. What they say: Here at (insert any big corporation food chain) we believe in teamwork and act like a family. We care about your quality of life outside of the restaurant as well as inside.
What they mean: We don't care about you! We don't care one bit! Do not come to us with any schedule changes or ever complain about a schedule we make. You may request off some days for certain things, but that does'nt mean we'll give them to you. In fact just don't waste the ink in your pen!

2. What they say: We are all here to make money. We will give you the best oppurtunities to make as much money as you can.
What they mean: We control how much money you make! Piss me off and you'll get a two table section in the smoking area! I'll give you a good oppurtunity when you suck up to me, but other than that you're screwed pal!

3. What they say: We are an easy going company. We don't look for things to be wrong, as long as you are doing your job and making the customer happy we will let you do your thing.
What they mean: We will never leave you alone! We will nitpick every single detail we can think of until you go crazy! We will ask you to do something and then yell at you for doing it. We also promise to bring our personal lives to work and take it out on you! We hate you!

4. What they say: We try to think of new innovative ideas to make work more fun and inviting.
What the mean: We don't really try. In fact we do the opposite. We make things as uniform as we can. If you've done your job once then you can do it again a thousand times over the same way! We prove to you our lack of imagination by making you take 12'000 tests in order to work here. Each test will ask you the exact same information. Afterwards we will give you the same speech about our values and beliefs. Once again we hate you!

Well, I could keep going on and on about the dangers and subtle evil that lurks in these restuarant corporations, but I have to go to class. Remember if you can do anything else, then do it. These places are hell!

Monday, September 18, 2006

Maybe someday.

I am an actor. I act in lots of plays and play many different characters. I love it and seek to do more and more acting, but there is one thing I've always wanted to do that many of my friends and family probably don't know about. I've always wanted to sing lead vocals in a band. I love to sing and to write and I'm not to bad at it either. I can't play an instrument, unless the slide whistle counts. Does it? It is not something that I really have to do. It isn't something that I feel I must do. (like acting) It's just something I've always wanted to do. I express myself by the characters I play, I just want to try expressing myself through writing and singing. I don't know if I'll ever get the chance outside of my car, maybe someday.

I am really enjoying life. I'm just having fun doing nothing much. That makes sense right? Currently I am struggling with the decision of whether I should transfer schools, or not. I don't know how it is going to turn out, but the time for decision is coming soon. I have to decide by December, because if I am going to transfer I need to apply by December. What do you think I should do? Just make a blind decision and tell me.

Moving on. I would really love to make a movie this semester. I have some friends who have the know-how to do it. It is just getting people motivated that is the problem. Well that and coming up with a script. Those are pretty important. If you were going to make a movie what would it be about? I'm going to end on that note. Adios my friends, oh wait Au revoir. Bye.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

I just want you to know.

I just want you to know, that to me you are never a failure. Your indomitable will and astounding strength is admirable and something I have always loved about you. Times have been hard before, and times have been terribly dissapointing, but no matter what was going on in our lives you sheilded us. You came home after working three jobs with a smile still, you gave us a happy and wonderful life. Just because I'm outta of the house doesn't mean I don't need you. I still need you to guide me and I still need you to laugh with me and tell me that I'm talented enough to achieve my dreams. Never, ever feel like your purpose is gone, because it never will be. I wouldn't trade the things you have taught me for anything. My experiences wih my dad are more precious to me than money. Not to get all sappy, but I just wanted you to know that I love you and that you are still that giant, undefeatable super hero in my mind, so keep on keepin on. I love you.

Your son,

The water taste funny.

This is a picture of my long, lost cousin Theodore. He is from West Virginia. (If you are from WV I'm sorry for insulting you) They obviously don't have dental there do they? Hmmm well, everyone gaze at his horendous features and leave me a comment if ya will. Ladies if you are interested in my cousin in any manner that does not invovle throwing up, then I advise you find an expensive psychiatrist and have yourself admitted soon. Good day.

Thanks for being a dweeb.

Well, I was going to post a picture up on this piece, but I couldn't find anything interesting to put on here so, NO! Anyways, today has been a pretty satisfying day. I found out I'm doing really well in my Acting for Shakespeare class and I have a new play to audition for. Hooray for that.

Moving on, I am not doing as well as I thought I was in my French class. It proves harder than I thought it would be. I get confused on what certain things mean so in turn I answer in a completely rediculous way, maybe that is because everything sounds the same! I will just have to study harder I guess. I'm not looking foward to that. No, not really.

On another note. My search for a job is not going as well as I would have liked it to go. I didn't get the first job I applied for. I don't really know why. I think it was because I went to the interview with a beard and it was a fine dining establishment. I guess they've never heard of a razor. I applied for a managers position at a clothing store and they will probably call me back, but now it is looking like I won't have enough time to invest in order to be a manager. Really, I just want a 9-5 day job. Right now I have my eye on a job in a store called GameSpot. It is a video game store and I would be in heaven from 9-5 if I could get that job. Please pray I get a job soon because I need one. If you are a praying person I mean, if your not and you think talking to God is a waste of time then...umm...eat some bread or something.

Okay then, that is my post. Tell me what you think! TELL ME!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Another spontaneous moment!

Well here I am now typing another post for another night. What am I gonna say? Hmmmm. Je prefere un sandwich au jambon et un express, sil vou plait. Merci. If you don't know what I just said then I am gonna be very hungry because I'm counting on you. Hooo ha!

If your Aj then I expect you to do the friendly, the best man thing, and help me out, sucka! Okay........I've decided to do the best thing for all of us. I am currently watching T.V. and am completely preocupied. I could A) keep typing a bunch of mindless dribble and bore you, or B) I could end the post now and save us all some time. Let's take a survey. Okay call in with your preference, now.

Okay the results are in.
37% of you wanted me to keep typing mindless dribble and bore you to death
63% of you opted for the best option

Honoring the code of taking a survey I bid you all farewell. Au revoir.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I do love a good dark roast.

This picture makes me look like I could use a good dark roast doesn't it? If you don't know what dark roast refers to just assume I mean roasted human flesh, because I am a wicked, wicked cannibal. This is an old picture.

This will be a short entry because I have to be into class in a couple of minutes. I have a cat now. Her name is Ninja, because she is black with a crooked paw. Her paw is crooked because it was hit with a thowing star. Hence, the name Ninja was born! I screamed that last line for emphasis. I am really enjoying school right now. I am only taking 2 classes this semester and it is all easy street from there. I am taking Acting for Shakespeare and French. I don't know why the course is called that. We are not actually acting FOR Shakespeare, really were just acting his text. It would be hard to act with a rotting Elizabethan playwright standing in the auditorium. Peace, Kent!

Well it is now time to end this debaucle, once and for all. I have to go. See ya later.