Tuesday, November 14, 2006

It's been a while.

Well it has been awhile. What does that mean? Let's anaylyze. "It" in itself is nothing, "It" refers to something tangible. For this exercise lets say It represents a hobo. Okay so, "The hobo has been awhile". This could mean that said hobo has been alive for awhile. This could be an old hobo. This could also mean that the hobo is loitering and the sentence, "The hobo has been awhile." could mean he has been in one spot or an area for awhile. Also, say another hobo comes and says to our already exsisting hobo that he would like the spot he is in now, and lets say that a hobo master(one who is the master of all hobos) happens to be about and to defend our beloved original hobo he could explain to the new hobo that, "THE hobo has been awhile." with certain hand gestures and pointing of course. I guess that is pretty well explained.

There you go more nonsense.......see ya in another month.


At 10:15 AM, Blogger TheSloan said...

Nice hobodom.
You should become a paranormal investigator with me.


At 7:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice man hit me up on when the wedding is. Have a good night. -Curtis.


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