I'm waking up to a whole new world around me! My eyes are opening and I can see it.....the truth! The truth is......SUSHI IS DELICIOUS!!! This wonderful delicacy is widely stereotyped as "nasty raw fish"! Oh you poor, poor blinded fools! It is the best experience I've ever had with my mouth! (granted I'm not married yet) The warm rice mixed with the cool fish and the spicy flavors of wasabi, it is perfect! You naysayers and doubters will be punished for your treason against the mighty god of sushi! His name is.......CARL!!!! FEAR CARL YOU TASTELESS HEATHENS!!!!! Your tastebuds will be cursed to only taste raw sewage if you don't pay homage to the might of CARL!!! Who wants some chicken? Did you say yes? THAT WAS A TRICK QUESTION! YOU SHOULD HAVE SAID, "NO I DON'T WANT NO FILTHY CHICKEN I WANT DELIGHTFUL SUSHI!" Now the CARL is after you! MwhahahahahhahahHAHAHAHAHAH! (cough)! Hahahaha!