Friday, March 31, 2006

I control the letters in your head.

This is the seat that I sit in when I want to control the world. Last week when you missed that green light, that was me! Did you lose your job or maybe your girlfriend dumped you? ME!!! All the wars of the world and the tragedy that happens in every day, boring, meanial lives all over the PLANET!!! ME!!!! AHAHHHHAHHHH! (cough) Mhmmm. Sorry I just kinda got on a powertrip. It is a comfortable chair though. I enjoy sitting in it. Moving on.

I find psychology to be very boring. Oh and creepy. All the theories in psychology are just annoying. Plus what's with all the theories? Doesn't anyone know anything in the field of psychology. I just think that psychologist' should find something better to do than examine why a monkey touches itself rather than eat a banana when it is starving to death. That's the creepy part. Their coats, their gloves, their terrible mandibles and neat hair, the unnerving fact that you can't make them angry. Always so inhumanely cold and calm. If you take out the part about the mandibles then that stuff is mostly true. Jenga!

I have a case of senioritis. The problem is that I am about 3-4 years away from graduating or gargoyling! I'd rather graduate that gargoyle. Just my preference. I'm not saying anything about any gargoyles that are reading this right now. Dang stop being so testy..... freakin gargoyles are sensitive. You would think they would be calloused being made of stone and all. Whatever.

Well in the great words of J.T. Willwright, " The fish eats the morning up like a gargantuan beetle plays the fiddle" Take it for what it's worth and till next time. See ya. I'm watching you.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

If the keyboard plays itself, what am I for?

Well I know it has been a while and if anyone is still reading this I'm sorry for depriving you of interesting reading and a peek into my life. Tonight is the opening night of Baby the Broadway Musical and I have a small role in it. I'm pretty excited. I play a greasy real estate agent. My part is not very big, but that isn't discouraging to me at all. I feel good about it because after the director was done with the part I improved two things into the part and the director said he really liked both of them and wanted me to do it in the show. It makes me feel like I'm actually learning more about theatre and the art of acting. It is amazing.

I'm really looking forward to this summer. I have a job lined up already that will make me some major bucks and that is pretty exciting. I gots to save the money because I'm getting married in less than 8 months. I just don't know what to think about it. I am happy about it of course, but I just don't know what to expect. Also, I'm only going to school part time next year. This way I can work more and make a little more money. My fiance is graduating next year and then we are moving to Wilmington, NC. Then I'll start my school up full time again at UNCW. That's a pretty exhilarating thought because I really love Wilmington and UNCW. I'm kinda looking forward to going to school part time, but at the same time I'm going to school with a double major and then I'm going to get my MFA. That is a lot of school and I don't want it to take more time than is already going to take. I mean I love school and being a college student, but at some point I have to start a career life. I think.

It has been an ambition of mine for quite a long time to make a movie. I've always wanted to write a script and turn it into an idependent film, but have never actually started to formulate my ideas into a movie. I think I just need to pick one of my many ideas for a movie and start to work on a script. In the end if it turns out to be a bad movie at least I still made a movie. I just need to find someone who actually knows how to use film editing software. Well I guess that is something to work on. Anyways class is over and I have to go now. (Heck Yes I post during class because I'm the master of my domain)

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Meet Rupret.

Meet Rupret. That's his picture up above. Rupret among other things is the mischevious part of my personality. Isn't he handsome. Rupret surfaces in my life when I get bored. Take today for example. I got bored and Rupret decided to go to psychology class early and flip all the desks over just to see what everyone would do. The funny thing is that everybody in the class is standing outside the classroom all trying to figure out who did it. I'm looking at them right now. A couple people tried to pin the crime on me and I could in complete honesty say that it wasn't. It was Rupret. I didn't tell them that. I just denied it. What does this mean about students at Gardner-Webb? I think it means that they are lazy and use any excuse they can to get out of class. All the students kept talking about how they were'nt going to go into the classroom and flip all the desks over. Maybe it means students at Gardner-Webb don't have logical reasoning skills. If everyone went into the classroom they would only have to flip the desk over that they were sitting in. It was funny and fun. Kudos to Rupret.

I am definetly not doing very good in my classes right now. I'm behind on all my school work and I just keep dropping further and further into the black beast of apathys mouth. The thing is, is that I will near the end of this semester freak out at my low grades and scrammble like a mad man to bring my grades up to at least a C average. It really isn't a great system. I need a knew one. I guess I just don't care about my classes that don't pertain to my major. I feel like I'm wasting time spending money and resources studying things I won't use in my workfield. I really do not need to know about Sigmund Freuds theories on how every child is sexually attracted to the opposite sex parent in order to be a good actor. Freud was a freak!

I'm thinking about starting an underground fight club. I tried one time in my hometown and apparently there is a lack of people who want to join a club where you will definetly get punched in the face. I know, lame. I'm also thinking about being a rapper and rapping about the things I know. It would be comical and I wouldn't even be trying. Well I know that this post hasn't been very interesting, but I have to go. See ya.