Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Today I was my dad

The internet is an interesting place. I filled my fafsa out online today and it lead to me becoming my father. They needed my Dad's electronic signature, which is impossible because my Dad doesn't have a computer or anything electronic in the house so I decided to sign my Dad up for an e-mail account and apply for a government pin in his stead and he doesn't even know. Well not yet. It just seems kinda of weird to me that as far as the internet knows I'm my Dad. That is really strange. I bet nobody is who they say they are on the internet. (everybody is saying DUH) I'm gonna make a bold statement right and in the words of Popeye the Sailor say, "I am who I am!"

On another note I was reminded this morning of Nancy Reagan's brilliant slogan to defeat drug use in the early 90's. Everybody get ready for this piece of genius, now I don't want to confuse you, okay here it is, "Just say no to drugs" OH MAN DID SHE WIN THE NOBEL PEACE PRIZE? Just say no. Wow you know I never thought about that . What a ridiculous suggestion to solve a problem. That wouldn't work for anything else, so why would it work for drugs.

I recently comprised a list of failed just say no slogans, I'll talk about the top 3. Here goes:

"Just say no to robbery"- Yeah that one is real awesome, if it worked. Someone walks up to you with a gun asks for your wallet and you start screaming "NO, NO" You end up with a gunshot wound and an expensive hospital bill. Lame!

"Just say no to debt"- When creditors call you and start to hassle you about all the money you owe because you can't seem to control your need to spend money you don't have on stuff you don't need you can just start screaming "NO, NO" and they will hang up the phone and immediately erase all your unpaid bills. That's lame!!

And my personal favorite,
"Just say no to AIDS"- When your at the doctor and he comes in and says, "I'm sorry Mr. Jones you have the horrible, horrible AIDS virus and your life will be a literal nightmare until you die a painful death" you don't have to worry just say "NO, NO" and your sickness will automatically disentigrate. (also that doctor should be fired)

Nancy Reagan really should get some kind of recognition for her amazing contribution to humanity. In fact I feel it my duty to give her the title of Mrs. Lamity Lame Lame!! Well there we go.

As a closing note Nathan Sloan from is correct in the fact that singing the thriller sausage song is wonderfully fun. (see Nathans blog for details) doesn't hold any grudges against Nancy Reagan for her lame comment on drugs.


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