Thursday, November 03, 2005

The glare off the floor is killing my eyes!

Hello readers. I hope everyone is having as good a day as I am. It's beautiful outside, I don't have any big tests or anything looming over my head and I don't have to work! That's right. No work! I had a talk with the hooligans at Outback and told them If I didn't get the schedule I needed then I would be taking my expertise some place else and of course there was much groveling and hand kissing as there always is after I exert force in such a situation. I got the schedule I want and life is good. I only work three days a week and those day are on the weekend, the money making days. I would have to say in the noble words of J.T. Willwright, "I couldn't be happier if you smashed this weasel chewing on my foot"!

Anyways I just found out about a new site called "Limewire", new to me anyway. I'm testing its level of davy jonesness right now. I'm trying to download a cartoon for my viewing pleasure. We'll see if this file sharing thing is davy jones or not. (davy jones is the new way to say cool via J.T. Willwright) It sounds like a good idea, but seems to be terribly slow even on DSL. I do have some great news for my next semester of school. I will be taking voice lessons which is terribly important for any good actor and I'll be getting scuba certified to meet my P.E. requirement. Heck yeah! Next semester is shaping up to look pretty good.

I'm going to look at apartments in a little while so I can move out of the wretched dorms next year. While I love my school with its beautiful campus and cool classes I absolutely hate living in the dorms. I guess anyone who has had their own place before would hate living in the dorms. It's annoying to have to live with someone who smells like a wet bear rolled in crap! I have no problems with the guy other than he doesn't bathe and makes me want to stick air freshners in my nostrils! I'm just used to living alone or at least with someone with intelligence and knowledge of personal hygiene.

Okay after a short use of limewire I can asess that is should be called lamewire, definetly not davy jones! Everything I just tried to search was porno. Cartoon porno! Who the heck gets off to a cartoon? Not that I condone regular porno, but a cartoon? The geeks have gone to far! When I say geeks I mean those who would come up with the idea that they needed to see a cartoon character naked because they had some kind of fascination with them and thought, " I wonder what she looks like naked?" There should be help for these people. I guess with that I will let you go on a question: If it were up to you to eradicate the cartoon porn geeks how would you do it? See ya.


At 10:07 AM, Blogger AJ. That's right, AJ. said...

Cartoon threesome with Popeye, Wimpy, and Daffy Duck's annoying wife.


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