A new day a new post.
I know that frequently I have been posting quite a bit. Everyday actually, or close to that. I guess I just have a lot to talk about. Not today though. Not much going through my head. Which is a good thing I suppose because I'm sure that if anything went through my head it would surely kill me. I don't want to die like that.
I had a meeting with my advisor today and it went good. I am set up to have some pretty great classes next semester. Now I just have to get through the agony of waiting for this semester to end. I'm pretty sure that I'm failing my math class. I guess that doesn't bug me too bad. It's only one class and I'm not trying for a perfect 4.0 GPA. GPA stands for Great Panda Assault! I was thinking. You know how in the wonderful art of Kung-fu a lot of the styles of fighting are based off of animals and the way they fight? Well they are. Do you know what would be a pretty lame Kung-fu style? Jellyfish Kung-fu. You just kind of bump into your opponent hoping to sting him while he punches your lips off. Your weapons would be two soggy ropes. (those would represent the tentacles) Yeah, that would pretty much lose to any other form of fighting.
Anyways I guess right now I am gonna give you a visual of what I am doing right now. I'm sitting in my dorm room at a wooden desk that is the color of unvarnished pine. Directly in front of me is my laptop and behind that is a row of books with a mirror behind them. I have a picture of some friends of mine from this summer at Caswell. I can see my head bobbing to the Red Hot Chili Peppers music playing from my laptop. Behind me is a white brick wall with nothing on it. I can see my bed posts going up the wall and above me is the bottom of my bed. (It's lofted) I kinda feel like I'm in a cave because on my left is my wardrobe dresser and it closes me off under my bed. It's nice down here. Secluded. Nobody is bothering me and I am enjoying the quite of my thoughts and reflections. I am at peace. Peace. That word makes me think of Christ. I accredit him with all the peace in my life. This world is so unpeaceful and I am thankful that in him I can find peace. I guess that makes me want to ask you, do you know anything about Christ? I mean know about him without preplaced doubts in your mind? Have you ever talked with Christ? Do you ever wonder what your purpose is? I don't know what it is. Yours I mean. I know what mine is. Do you know where I found out? Christ. I really love Christ. My advice to anybody who hasn't given Christ anymore thought than pessimism and doubt is that you try to talk to him. If he isn't there then what do you have to lose? Please don't expect to cry out to Christ and then instantly all your troubles will be fixed. They won't, but you'll start to feel a peace and a presence that can completely change your life. Eventually you'll see that through trusting Christ nothing is impossible. I hope you take my advice and search for Christ. He'll show up because he loves you and wants you to find him. He's been searching for you and wants you to come. I love Christ.
Well with all that said I really feel like doing some Bible study and talking with my God so I think that's what I'll go and do. Goodnight everybody.
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