Friday, July 29, 2005

I felt like I was in an ant hill.

I was minding my own business getting ready for the usual slow Friday at the PX (my job) when about sixty kids poured in the building. Instead of my peaceful job that I have come to appreciate greatly I felt like an ant in a giant hill! People were swarming around me and there was strange chatter I couldn't understand. There seemed to be a congregation of very loud girls in every corner of the store and they all wanted ....stuff! Caswell stuff! Caswell t-shirts, mugs, pencils, pens, fans, pillows, blankets, etc. You get the idea. It was anarchy! At one point I ran out of ones, fives, and tens in the space of 15 minutes. This slowed the frantic pace of the teenage horde and for a moment I thought they might revolt and rip me limb from limb. All the money changer would find of me is a bloody spot on the floor with maniac children all around. Thankfully she came in time, right before the blood lust hit their brains! It was terrifying! TERRIFYING!!

On a more interesting note I've added a new link to my site. If you have any kinds of questions about christianity you can e-mail me and I'll get back to you as quick as I can with a biblical answer to your quandry. Any questions are acceptable. I'll e-mail you back to let you know that your question will be on my site so you know to check it. Don't be shy ask me about anything, whether your a christian or not I'm willing to answer any question you can think up. You want to know more about God and what he can do for you just give me a question. Waaaaaazzzzooooooo!

Just in case you didn't know "Waaaaazzzzooooo!" means I'm moving on to a new subject. Except in this case because I was explaining the mystery of the before mentioned word. Anyway, I only have a week and two days left here at Caswell and I have mixed emotions about the whole ordeal. I break it down like this.

Good things about leaving-
No more waking up at 6:30 in the morn
A variety in my meals
My own bed space
Exciting new school
A free schedule

Bad things about leaving-
I'll go back to not eating breakfast
Leaving the beauty of Fort Caswell
The required funs
Staff group devotions
I'll miss my wonderful new friends

That's how I break it down there for ya! Fort Caswell has been a wonderful experience in my life and will always have a soft, cushy spot in my heart, despite the pain that would cause! I encourage everybody to come to this wonderful place. Well I guess that about does it for today. Our writer walks off stage right as the curtain goes down.


Thursday, July 21, 2005

The port city calls my name!

This weekend will be a weekend to be remembered. I get to leave work a day early and go hang out with two of my favorite people in Wilmington at their new home. I'm really excited. I haven't been to Wilmington all summer because of my long slaving hours at the camp for summer children. My excitement is exponential but in the back of my head an almost forgotten fear still lingers.

La Chupa Calbra(goat sucker) lurks the city streets and at night feeds on the homeless and all other unfortunate souls that roam the streets at night. As a Christian I am a sworn enemy of the beast. For those of you that don't know what I'm talking about I'll inform you of a little religious history not known to many.

In 1619 the Vatican was overun with sins and demon activity. The clergy at this time noticed a slight difference in their popes behaviour, instead of blessing people and speaking to large groups he remained in his private study and requested a large amount of goats everyday. Finally after much thought and going through the proper logic the Swiss Guard busted into the popes study and found the pope lying dead on the floor with two bite marks on his neck. Sitting in the popes holy seat was La Chupa Calbra sucking a goat dry right there on the popes desk. The Guard started firing and in an instance the mystical beast was gone. Ever since then La Chupa Calbra has spent its time killing religious folk and stealing their VCR's (to buy more goats)

Everytime I go to Wilmington me and that bloodsucking fur skunk get into it. I end up with some scratches all over my body and near fatal bite marks and he escapes to kill again, but aside from that this weekend should be pretty good. Adios. admits that the above story is completely true and you should beware the goat sucker

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

The weight is gone and I can breathe again!!!

I have just finished the mountain of forms that it requires to get financial aid for school and I feel FREE!!!!! I can breathe, my spell of moodiness and detachment from the outside world is gone. My mind doesn't feel cluttered and I don't want to bite the head off of or blow up everyone that talks to me anymore. What a wonderful feeling this sense of .... of.... FREEDOM!! ( a melody plays in the background and animals dance or something) Now that I have come out of my horrible stupor of moodiness and worry I have someone I need to apologize to for worrying her and upsetting her pretty little head.

Vickery my most beautiful and vuluptous la boom boom I am sorry that I've been such a monster lately. I've been detached and floating off on Jupiter somewhere. (the weather is nice there despite that large tornado) Our conversations have consisted of you trying to talk and me trying to escape all hints of a serious conversation. I don't exactly know why I've been so crazy lately. Maybe subconcious stress from school and loans, maybe needing time to myself, but in any case I'm sorry for the way I've made you feel.

I still love you and always will and as always am forever thankful to God for giving me such a lovely person as you to drool over. Your beautiful,smart,funny,cute,sexy,faithful,truthful,magnificent and a saint for putting up with me all the time. I love you sooooooo much! Thank you for the confidence you put in me and the courage I feel when your around. I couldn't make someone more compatible if I studied on how to do it for years and years. You give me stability,laughter,beauty, and a lot of the time logical reason that I seem to lack.

I just want to say Thank you for loving me and putting a level of happiness in my life that I thought was made for stories and fat kids who get to eat a whole crate of chocolate themselves. I love you and hope that this apology is sufficient to see your smiling face again. does not feel the least bit ashamed to publicly apologize on the world wide web to his wonderful girlfriend who has the cutest butt ever. If your girlfriend was as awesome as mine you would be willing to drop you foolish man pride and make her happy too! So there. Also, please keep reading my blog, thank you.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Back in action

Hello all! I'm back and am truthfully informing you that I was not in fact kidnapped by any anonymous person. I apologize to any readers who actually are still checking my site and have only found old posts and nothing new. ( a tear runs down my cheek) Now to move on to some current thoughts.

I have become a bald man and...... I LOVE IT! That's right. Readers because of my lack of computer equipment I have not been able to post a picture of me the author. I had long, beautiful locks that shined like the sun and gave me cool super powers. Well part of that is true. Anyways I don't know what came over me but I started to walk into my room one night and asked the local barber on staff (Caswell Staff) to give me the ol' clean shaven look. While I'm not Mr. Clean bald, my hair is significantly shorter. It's great. My showers take less time, my hair dries faster, and the ladies love to run their hands over my new found head stuble.

On another note tommrow is the big Caswell Golf Tournament. I'm really looking forward to it. I'm gonna get Nathan ( to take some wicked sweet pictures of me smacking the dents off of that little white ball! Poor ball. It should be lots of fun. My team consists of Kyle, Kelly, Brandon, and Myself. While you most likely don't know these people if you did you would understand the excitement that is swelling inside of me.

Speaking of swelling Charlie and the Cholate Factory is now out in theatres and I am excited and afraid to see it. ( the blueberry girl, she swelled up, get it?) Excited because Johnny Depp is Willy Wonka and scared for the same reason. Willy Wonka was kinda freaky when Gene Wilder did it and that was the fun loving wonka, the wonka who had curly hair and a comforting smile. Depps Wonka looks kinda deranged with cropped black hair and a freakish expression that oddly reminds me of The Crow. I wonder if anyone dies?

There are only three weeks left here at Caswell. I don't really know what to say about that except "SWAMP BUCKETS" ! I don't know. I will miss Caswell like a drunkard misses his sugar momma. With out being drunk and eating sugar of course. I believe in my first post back to you my beloved readers I will leave you with a bit of wisdom passed down to me through a dream.

"You can lead a horse to water, but don't kill it because then it won't do anything but lay in the water dead and not do.... anything!"

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Yam we have crabs!!!

Well it's official the PX is full of weird junk. Today we put out 48 plastic realistic looking crabs. Lol. Why would anyone need a plastic realistic looking crab? I guess you could use them to scare someone. Do you know what I would do with a realistic plastic crab. I would put a hole in it and use it as my barrel plug for my paintball weapon! Yeah I know everyone is going, "Man why didn't I think of that wicked cool idea for a realistic plastic crab?". It's okay your day of genius idea will one day come my padiwan.

Speaking of plugs for paint weapons, Saturday was a pleasing expierence of paint warfare. There was an overwhelmingly pleasing number of people who played. We all went out to a field and commenced to shoot each other. It was great. The only downside is that once we finally got out to the field to play and got all set up we only got to play two games. Must find somewhere closer to play.

School is creeping up and is getting closer and closer no matter what I do. Summer is just fading so quickly. I juslkdfjo oikjj

This is not a joke. If you take this post as a joke the consequences of your actions fall solely on you. Proceed to read. Fools!! It is I, Mr. Anonymous. I have captured Jacob and taken him somewhere far, far away. In a galaxy or something. I have a replaced him with a randomly violent clone! Ahahahaha! Beware the clone! You may or may not see your Jacob again. Till then I will beat him.
Mr. Anonymous