Friday, July 29, 2005

I felt like I was in an ant hill.

I was minding my own business getting ready for the usual slow Friday at the PX (my job) when about sixty kids poured in the building. Instead of my peaceful job that I have come to appreciate greatly I felt like an ant in a giant hill! People were swarming around me and there was strange chatter I couldn't understand. There seemed to be a congregation of very loud girls in every corner of the store and they all wanted ....stuff! Caswell stuff! Caswell t-shirts, mugs, pencils, pens, fans, pillows, blankets, etc. You get the idea. It was anarchy! At one point I ran out of ones, fives, and tens in the space of 15 minutes. This slowed the frantic pace of the teenage horde and for a moment I thought they might revolt and rip me limb from limb. All the money changer would find of me is a bloody spot on the floor with maniac children all around. Thankfully she came in time, right before the blood lust hit their brains! It was terrifying! TERRIFYING!!

On a more interesting note I've added a new link to my site. If you have any kinds of questions about christianity you can e-mail me and I'll get back to you as quick as I can with a biblical answer to your quandry. Any questions are acceptable. I'll e-mail you back to let you know that your question will be on my site so you know to check it. Don't be shy ask me about anything, whether your a christian or not I'm willing to answer any question you can think up. You want to know more about God and what he can do for you just give me a question. Waaaaaazzzzooooooo!

Just in case you didn't know "Waaaaazzzzooooo!" means I'm moving on to a new subject. Except in this case because I was explaining the mystery of the before mentioned word. Anyway, I only have a week and two days left here at Caswell and I have mixed emotions about the whole ordeal. I break it down like this.

Good things about leaving-
No more waking up at 6:30 in the morn
A variety in my meals
My own bed space
Exciting new school
A free schedule

Bad things about leaving-
I'll go back to not eating breakfast
Leaving the beauty of Fort Caswell
The required funs
Staff group devotions
I'll miss my wonderful new friends

That's how I break it down there for ya! Fort Caswell has been a wonderful experience in my life and will always have a soft, cushy spot in my heart, despite the pain that would cause! I encourage everybody to come to this wonderful place. Well I guess that about does it for today. Our writer walks off stage right as the curtain goes down.



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