Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Yam we have crabs!!!

Well it's official the PX is full of weird junk. Today we put out 48 plastic realistic looking crabs. Lol. Why would anyone need a plastic realistic looking crab? I guess you could use them to scare someone. Do you know what I would do with a realistic plastic crab. I would put a hole in it and use it as my barrel plug for my paintball weapon! Yeah I know everyone is going, "Man why didn't I think of that wicked cool idea for a realistic plastic crab?". It's okay your day of genius idea will one day come my padiwan.

Speaking of plugs for paint weapons, Saturday was a pleasing expierence of paint warfare. There was an overwhelmingly pleasing number of people who played. We all went out to a field and commenced to shoot each other. It was great. The only downside is that once we finally got out to the field to play and got all set up we only got to play two games. Must find somewhere closer to play.

School is creeping up and is getting closer and closer no matter what I do. Summer is just fading so quickly. I juslkdfjo oikjj

This is not a joke. If you take this post as a joke the consequences of your actions fall solely on you. Proceed to read. Fools!! It is I, Mr. Anonymous. I have captured Jacob and taken him somewhere far, far away. In a galaxy or something. I have a replaced him with a randomly violent clone! Ahahahaha! Beware the clone! You may or may not see your Jacob again. Till then I will beat him.
Mr. Anonymous


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