The port city calls my name!
This weekend will be a weekend to be remembered. I get to leave work a day early and go hang out with two of my favorite people in Wilmington at their new home. I'm really excited. I haven't been to Wilmington all summer because of my long slaving hours at the camp for summer children. My excitement is exponential but in the back of my head an almost forgotten fear still lingers.
La Chupa Calbra(goat sucker) lurks the city streets and at night feeds on the homeless and all other unfortunate souls that roam the streets at night. As a Christian I am a sworn enemy of the beast. For those of you that don't know what I'm talking about I'll inform you of a little religious history not known to many.
In 1619 the Vatican was overun with sins and demon activity. The clergy at this time noticed a slight difference in their popes behaviour, instead of blessing people and speaking to large groups he remained in his private study and requested a large amount of goats everyday. Finally after much thought and going through the proper logic the Swiss Guard busted into the popes study and found the pope lying dead on the floor with two bite marks on his neck. Sitting in the popes holy seat was La Chupa Calbra sucking a goat dry right there on the popes desk. The Guard started firing and in an instance the mystical beast was gone. Ever since then La Chupa Calbra has spent its time killing religious folk and stealing their VCR's (to buy more goats)
Everytime I go to Wilmington me and that bloodsucking fur skunk get into it. I end up with some scratches all over my body and near fatal bite marks and he escapes to kill again, but aside from that this weekend should be pretty good. Adios. admits that the above story is completely true and you should beware the goat sucker
Why, pray tell, does the goat sucker stay in Wilmington all of the time? P.S.-I kinda like you too. : )
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